The Society is designed to provide an effective link for ALL barbel anglers and to represent their interests effectively.
The formal objectives of the Society are:
- To promote the barbel and its conservation, the conservation and development of suitable barbel fisheries and the quality of the environment in which they are sited, the highest standards of the sport of barbel angling, to promote public awareness of these standards and the need for barbel and fisheries conservation.
- To disseminate information on barbel angling and conservation techniques.
- To research the ecology, habitat, life cycle and behaviour of the barbel.
- To secure effective consultation with the Environment Agency and other relevant bodies to ensure that the interests of the barbel and the views of barbel anglers in the furtherance of these objectives are taken into proper account.
- To promote the development of suitable barbel fisheries including the acquisition and management of fisheries for such propose.
Society’s Organisation
A main Committee co-ordinates the Society’s activities and deals with major issues. It consists of President, Vice-President, Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer. There are Specialist Panels run by the Panel Chairman, namely Research and Conservation, Fisheries and Communication.
The Panel Chairman are members of the main Committee and share decision making on important issues.
Society merchandise, website, exhibitions, conference organising, river records and advertising are all dealt with by their respective managers.