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The Barbel Society isn’t your standard fishing club; it’s much more than that.

It’s a national organisation full of like-minded people who are dedicated to the continued well-being of our friend the barbel and its habitat. The Research, Conservation & Lobbying section work in conjunction with other bodies such as the Angling Trust and the Environment Agency to protect and improve the river habitat for barbel (see Aims & Objectives).

Probably the biggest benefit is the access to hundreds of experienced barbel anglers, joining instantly connects you to a huge network of anglers. Many members are more than happy to share their knowledge, and even meet up with anglers new to barbel fishing to spend time on the bank. Every year a number of fish-ins are held where members can meet up, exchange stories, make new friendships and spend some time fishing together.

The Barbel Fisher magazine is published twice a year and members receive their copy free of charge. They are full of informative articles written by the members. Since the very first issues edited by Lawrence Breakspear, the magazine has evolved to become one of today’s “must read” publications. It has gone from strength to strength thanks to contributors and advertisers, but without doubt mostly due to the fine work of the late Gordon Scott, whose vision and dedication has left a solid foundation on which we can all build.

Frequent newsletters are sent to members to keep them informed of all Society activity. News about fish-ins, fisheries, the conference etc. plus updates on all the major issues the Society is involved with make for an interesting read.

The Barbel Show is held every year during the close season and is now firmly established in the angling calendar. All the biggest names in angling have given talks, but it is the spirit and camaraderie that brings the members back year after year.

Des Taylor, John Bailey, Dr Andy Orme, Dr Paul Garner, Ade Kiddell and Phil Smith are ambassadors for the Society, which brings great gravitas to the organisation.

So, if you are interested in barbel fishing, and supporting the protection and development of our rivers for barbel and other species then maybe the barbel society is for you…

Please note the full membership year runs from June 16th to June 15th.

Please note barbel society fisheries are not included in the joining fee. Please see fisheries page for latest prices.

Or to join online CLICK HERE