This year’s Rivers Trust Autumn Conference is being hosted by the Severn Rivers Trust at the Engine Shop, Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, TF8 7DQ on Tuesday 24th November 2015. The conference will be the launch of our HLF “Springs of Rivers” project with a review of the WWF and Rivers Trust WaterLIFE project. We will also be discussing ongoing projects and the Catchment Based Approach.
We invite you to attend the conference, as our guest for the day and the draft agenda is below. We hope that you will be able to join us. Please advise the undersigned if you are able to attend the conference and or the field trip as soon as possible. Further details will be circulated nearer to the event.
The Rivers Trust Autumn Conference 2015
Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th November 2015
The Engine Shop, Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire TF8 7DQ.
Hosted by the Severn Rivers Trust
Springs of Rivers
Draft Agenda
Tuesday 24th November 2015
09:00 Arrival & Registration
09:30 Welcome & Announcements
09:35 Opening Comments Arlin Rickard CEO The Rivers Trust
Session 1: Springs of Rivers Chair: Tony Bostock CEO Severn Rivers Trust
09:40 The Severn in Trust Tony Bostock Severn Rivers Trust
10:00 HLF Springs of Rivers Project Mike Morris Severn Rivers trust
10:25 Teme SSSI Lynne Farquhar Natural England
10:50 Q&A
11:00 – 11:30 Tea and Coffee Break
Session 2: WaterLIFE Chair: Rob Collins, Head of Policy The Rivers Trust
11:30 WaterLIFE Overview – One Year On Hannah Blackburn, WWF-UK
11:55 Progress in the Camlad Catchment Peter Powell, Severn Rivers Trust
12:20 Progress in the Soar Catchment Ruth Needham, Trent Rivers Trust
12:45 Q&A
13:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 3: Species Chair: Mike Morris, Deputy Director – Severn Rivers Trust
14:00 Teme Barbel PhD project Catherine Gutmann-Roberts, Bournemouth University
14:25 Shad-Unlocking the Severn for People & Wildlife Peter Birch, Canal & Rivers Trust
14:50 Severn Predator Study Brecht Morris, Angling Trust/EA
15:15 Q&A
15:30 – 16:00 Tea and Coffee Break
Session 4: Partnerships Chair: Arlin Rickard, CEO The Rivers Trust
16:00 Fisheries & Working in Partnership Sarah Chare, Environment Agency
16:25 Monty Rivers Project Lisa Barlow, Severn Rivers Trust
16:50 Catchment Fisheries Plans Barry Bendall, The Rivers Trust
17:15 Q&A
17:30-17:40 Summary Tony Bostock, Severn Rivers Trust
Wednesday 25th November 2015
Field Trip – Fish Passage in the Teme Catchment (Springs of Rivers)
Leaving the Ramada Hotel at 9am:
Visit to Lingen Fish Pass and Dinham Fish Pass on the River Teme; and Stokesay Fish Pass and Halford Fish Pass on the River Onny.
Return to Telford Train Station and Ramada by 14:00