Editor’s Note:

My plan was for the next newsletter to come out in March, however there has been so much going on within the Barbel Society that we felt a February newsletter was appropriate to keep everyone up to date and well informed.

Andy Degville

Marsh Pratley

It’s both sad and good news regarding Marsh. Those of you who watched ‘Des Taylor Live’ last week, 9th Feb, will be aware of the very sad turn in health of Marsh Pratley. The Society has great pleasure in announcing the news that Marsh Pratley has accepted our invitation to become an Honorary Vice President. Marsh is very well known in the angling world, especially among carp anglers as he is the owner of Orchid Lakes in Oxford. Prior to that Marsh was one of the leading all round specimen anglers in the country and when the Barbel Society was formed Marsh was the General Secretary of the National Association of Specialist Anglers ( NASA). Marsh played an integral part in the early days of the Society and has remained a firm supporter ever since. It was Marsh who brought Peter Stone to the meeting where the Society was formed and there is no doubt that Peter’s presence was a key reason for the success of the Barbel Society and we will forever owe a debt of thanks to Marsh. He joins an illustrious list of names and we are extremely proud and honoured to include Marsh alongside them.

Through recent contact with Marsh he has requested that we auction, on his behalf, his ‘Fred Crouch Barbel Perfection’ split cane rod. Unused, this is number one, of a limited edition of 25 rods, complete with certificate of authenticity signed by Fred Crouch. All monies raised, at Marsh’s request, will go to AAC Children with Cancer UK. Full details of this auction, which will have a starting bid of £250, once finalised in procedure will be released in the March Newsletter.

New Barbel Society Ambassadors

At the committee meeting held a year ago next month, at the Bear and Ragged Staff, Bransford, the task was set of obtaining five ambassadors for the Barbel Society within the year. Everyone should be aware that three are in place: Des Taylor, John Bailey and Dr Andy Orme. Well great news everyone, the task is now complete!

It is with the greatest of pleasure that the committee can announce that the final two positions have been filled. In the last week both Dr Paul Garner and Ade Kiddell have accepted our invitations to become Barbel Society Ambassadors. Both have expressed their extreme pleasure in accepting these positions, offered their support in any way possible and are in full support of both the direction and initiatives the Barbel Society are taking. You will all have the opportunity of meeting and chatting to both at future Barbel Shows.

Social media

Following a few requests, but after lengthy discussion on the need to create a third Facebook page for lobbying it has been decided that no such action is required at this time.

Website Forum Page

It has been decided this form of media has now served its time. Therefore, the forum page will close on the 28th February 2018.

Addition of ‘News Round’ in Barbel Fisher

With effect from the May issue of our magazine, Barbel Fisher, a centre piece entitled News Round will be included. This will include reports and updates from key committee members, i.e. membership secretary, senior events co-ordinator and the Chairs and managers of the various sub-panels. Notwithstanding this, everyone is invited to put their pen to paper and submit articles for inclusion in the next edition to Steve Choney Stephen.choney.bs@gmail.com The time is now.

Executive Committee Meeting

The first meeting of the newly formed Executive Committee was held at the Ketch on Saturday 9th February 2018. Business focused on a several key management issues that were on the table. For Item 7 on the agenda, R&C and Lobbying, the Executive was joined by Des Taylor where future strategy and next steps regarding the petition were formalised. The petition has been a great success, with now over 11,000 signatures. Further, support continues to grow with increasing positive coverage on regional BBC radio stations, both local and national newspapers and regional BBC television news. It remains key that any negative surrounding noise is managed so that it is not damaging to the cause of the petition in the remaining four and a half months that it has to run.

Note: A full committee meeting is to take place at Wroxall Abbey Hotel on the 24th March 2018. Any members having any issues they would like included in the agenda, under AOB, are invited to email them to either Chris Childs chrischilds2906@gmail.com or Chris Jones chrisjones57@icloud.com

Barbel Society AGM and Show 2018

All members should note that the Annual General Meeting of the Barbel Society will take place at the Wroxall Abbey Hotel on Saturday 2nd June 2018, starting at 2pm.

Arrangements are now well in hand for the 2018 Barbel Show. Except for two confirmations, one main speaker and one R, C and L speaker the stage itinerary is complete. This year there will be four main speakers, five R, C and L topic related speakers and three short committee presentations followed by a short period of questions and answers. Once the two confirmations are received the itinerary will be released: hopefully in the next newsletter in March.

R, C and L Auction 2017/2018

This year the R, C and L auction will be held via 32Auctions.com. Lots are taking their usual form in tackle, books, bait and guided days. It will run 6 – 27 May 2018. Successful bidders will be invited to collect their winning lots at the BS Show. Anyone wishing to still submit lots are requested to inform Chris Childs chrischilds2906@gmail.com

Events Calendar 2018-2019

The events diary is starting to fill for the 2018-2019 season. Once it has been discussed fully at the forthcoming full committee meeting the diary should again be released in the next newsletter.

Membership renewals 2018-2019

Several key changes are to take place for the new season. Firstly, and having listened to member comments in the last year, membership will now include free access to our water at Pixham Ferry. This is likely to see the introduction of photograph membership cards to assist our bailiff’s in their duties. Secondly, we will no longer be issuing family permits. Finally, we will no longer be issuing half memberships.

Full membership will be £45, concessions £40 and under 16s free. The prices for Sutton & Bransford are to be decided at the committee meeting on 24th March. An amended Jotform will go up on the website for memberships applications to commence on the 15th April. These may be collected on the door at the Show (through a Jotform option box) to facilitate reduced entry fee to the Show, which will be £10 for members and £12 for non-members. Where possible, all memberships payments will be encouraged via PayPal through the Jotform. Memberships, by cash or cheque, will only be available for restricted time periods at the Show, between 9-10 and 1-3.30pm. Further, a revised postal application form will go out in May edition of BF and be put up on the website 15th April for those without the Internet.

Renewal process for Fishery Permits 2018-2019

Existing permit holders at Sutton and Bransford will be advised by letter to renew, either by Jotform or postal form (the latter again to be available via the website), between 15 April and 13 May 2018. After this date any vacant fishery permits will be allocated to the waiting list through the Fishery Manager. Again, Fishery Permits may be collected at the Show, by indicating this preference, over post, via the Jotform so members have it in their hand at the start of the season.