Editor’s Note:

Hi everyone, and welcome to the latest Barbel Society newsletter. I’ve recently taken on the role of Newsletter Editor and aim to send out regular updates, hopefully one every couple of months. The Society’s members and the committee are working hard on many fronts, and our membership continues to grow. The annual RC&L auction should be out soon and plans are in hand for next year’s BS Show. The RC&L team have been busy, recently attending meetings with the Angling Trust and PAG (Predation Action Group). The latest Barbel Fisher magazine is about to go off to the publishers and should be out before the end of the year. Plans are ongoing for several European events in both this country and abroad. Negotiations are in progress regarding potential new waters to be added to our portfolio next season. This summary is not inclusive of everything that is happening, merely just a flavour of the activity that is ongoing

Andy Degville

Dates for your diaries

• Barbel Society and Association Barbillons De France family friendly event April 4th to 10th 2018 – Camping desplages Rochefort sur Loire. A family friendly barbel fishing event around the Loire Valley. Please follow the link on the BS website for more information or contact Christophe on 07909 918 036

• Barbel Society meeting with our German colleagues @ Bochum Germany – May 5th A gathering of barbel anglers to discuss many issues regarding catch and release and much more…… for more information or contact Christophe on 07909 918 036

• Barbel Society AGM – Saturday May 26th @ Chesford Grange Hotel – Time tbc

• BS Annual Show – Sunday May 27th @ Chesford Grange Hotel – 9am to 5pm

• European “meet and greet” – Tue 4 Sep 2018, 9:00am – Wed 5 Sep 2018, 4:00pm BS Fishery @ Sutton on-Trent. A friendly get together with our European barbel Anglers. Please follow the link on the Barbel Society website or contact Christophe on 07909918036 

Note: The Barbel Society event calendar can be accessed via the BS website under the ‘News & Events’ menu.

Half Year Memberships

Half year memberships are now available……how?

• Go to the BS website ‘the Barbel Society.co.uk’
• Go to ‘membership’ menu and select ‘join online’• Select the ‘new membership’ icon and fill in your details on the Jot-form;
• Once complete scroll down and select the membership you require;
• Scroll down further to the ‘pay now’ button. This will direct you to PayPal checkout. Alternatively you can use credit or debit card options.

The biggest is you will be part of a strong national organisation comprised of like-minded anglers dedicated to the Barbel and its habitat. Further, you will receive the May issue of Barbel Fisher; receive the periodic e-newsletter; access the members FB group and participate in research, conservation and lobbying projects.

BS Ambassadors:
John Bailey has become the second BS Ambassador, joining Des Taylor.

John is a world renowned angler and author, we are really pleased that he has agreed to become a BS ambassador, he brings great gravitas to our organisation and we look forward to working with John in the future.

BS Merchandise
Clothing, mugs, hats, badges and books are all available via the BS website.

T/shirts, Fleeces, Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts & Hats are all available with the BS Logo, and many also include the option for you to add your name. If you order now they’ll arrive in time for Christmas.

Under the ‘Membership’ menu select ‘Merchandise’, then  for Clothes select the ‘Clothing shop’ and for mugs, badges and books select ‘BS Merchandise’

Research, Conservation & Lobbying Update

Barbel Society stance on Otters
The Barbel Society recognises the detrimental effect that both the legal and illegal releasing of otters has had on most barbel environments, which has resulted in the drastic decline of barbel populations, on all rivers.

We acknowledge, that in some circumstances, that the position has become irreversible regarding barbel populations on certain rivers.

The Barbel Society therefore calls for an immediate cessation by the various River Trusts, The Canal and River Trust, Otter Sanctuaries and other Otter Conservation Groups to the release of otters in an uncontrolled and un-researched manner.

We therefore wish to encourage a policy of recognition that the otter is having an adverse negative effect on the barbel as a species.

We align ourselves, wholly with the Predator Action Group in limiting the detrimental effects, wherever possible, and limit the continual unwarranted releasing and relocation of otters.

We encourage the study and pursuance of the release of mature barbel from donor rivers, to recognise the affected rivers, by consultation.

We do not see the stocking of fingerling-farmed aqua-cultured barbel, as a solution to the devastating effect of over predation, by all predators, of the barbel species.

Barbel Society stance on a Code of Conduct for Water Companies
Work is well underway in progress regarding our calling for responsibility and accountability by all water companies on water quality concerns.

Barbel Society attending the Angling Trust Forum at Reading

On Lobbying
It was further agreed by those present that the Research and Conservation Panel title should be amended to include ‘Lobbying’. What do we mean by lobbying?

Lobbying encapsulates the philosophy of making people accountable for their actions and the issues arising. It is about demanding answers to questions.  How do we intend to go about this? By recognising and empathising with the subject matter, environment or species that is recognised or brought to our attention. Then adopting a decision process on how best to deal with that matter, either by direct action ourselves or by offering others support and advice in direction. As we have done in the Medway Weir removal and the advice offered.

Ratification of Research, Conservation and Lobbying stances
The Barbel Society stance on Otters was agreed unanimously by a full committee and the Chairs/Managers of Specialist Panels at The Blue Bell, Callow End on the 5 August 2017. Since this, and in an update to be made this week coming, by Shaun Nurse and myself, the Barbel Society has held two very successful meetings. Firstly, with the Angling Trust on the otter situation and secondly a meeting with the PAG on matters relating to the production of ‘Big Picture Two’ and a ‘film on predation’, to assist in predation lobbying.

Note 1: Predation includes signal crayfish, mink, goosander, cormorant, otter and Chinese crab.
Note 2: An otter cull, has never, and never will be an objective of the BS, or the PAG, but it keeps being thrown at us both, by a few, whenever the subject of greater otter control is raised.
Note 3: Further information regarding RC&L can found on the Barbel Society website.